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  • international seo schema schema markup serp features hreflang tags

    Hello everyone, Finally, after moving our hreflang tags from our sitemap to our header HTML, Google seems to start displaying the correct URLs in the SERPs. From what I can see - Google folds URLs, so instead of indexing all pages, it only selects an English version of our site but displays a different URL based on our hreflang tags (not sure if that's good or bad or if I should work towards a full indexation). However - I am now facing the issue that the wrong currency will often be displayed in my SERPs. E.g. in Australia I may have Euros or in Canada we see British Pounds (i.e. /en-ca/* URL shows in SERPs but the /en-gb/* URL is actually indexed). Is there any way around this? I was searching for a solution and found some but seems like most don't exist anymore ( at least if I try and dig deeper into the source. What's the current recommendation?

    International SEO | | sriffs
  • Unsolved markup schema schema markup

    I have added markup to many pages on my site (e.g - since it is a quote site I marked up all the quotations - it validates with - but when I use MozBar and look at Page Analysis-->Markup the moz bar says I have no markup. Is this something Moz only updates periodically? If so, anyone know how often they update? or any ideas why moz bar is reporting a false negative?

    Moz Bar | | daviddq
  • Unsolved

    schema markup schema local seo technical seo

    Hello! I've been having a hard time finding an answer to this specific question so I figured I'd drop it here. I always add custom LocalBusiness markup to clients' homepages, but sometimes the client's website provider will include their own automated LocalBusiness markup. The codes I create often include more information. Assuming the website provider is unwilling to remove their markup, is it a bad idea to include my code as well? It seems like it could potentially be read as spammy by Google. Do the pros of having more detailed markup outweigh that potential negative impact?

    Local Website Optimization | | GoogleAlgoServant

  • schema schema markup serp features

    Hello Moz Team, I hope everyone is doing well & good, I need bit help regarding Schema Markup, I am facing issue in my schema markup specifically with my blog posts, In my majority of the posts I find error "Missing field "url" (optional)"
    As this schema is generated by Yoast plugin, I haven't applied any custom steps. Recently I published a post and I tested it at two platforms of schema test 1,
    2. So the validator generate results as follows and shows no error
    Schema without error.PNG It shows no error But where as Schema with error.PNG in search central results it gives me a warning "Missing field "url" (optional)". So is this really be going to issue for my ranking ? Please help thanks!

    Technical SEO | | JoeySolicitor

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